Washer fluid reservoir tank - Volkswagen TOURAN - 1T0955453E
Here are all the information you will need to choose your Washer fluid reservoir tank VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.1
Characteristics of your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Mileage (Km) : 247485
- GPA Tag number : Q0-6392R
- OEM Number : 1T0955453E (A number starting with NC means we do not know the OEM Number and replaced it with our internal tag number)
- Estimated delivery time : 1 or 2 business days (Mainland France), delivered by national carrier
Tests, quality checks and warranty :
- By the specialized disassembler : Yes
- By the quality manager : Yes
- Duration of the warranty : 24 months
Characteristics of the VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.1 from which we collected your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Model : TOURAN 1 PH.1 TDI
- Body : 5 Portes
- Year : 27/09/2004
- Fuel : Gazole
- Engine type : BKD
- Gearbox type : GNE
- Cylinder : 1968
- Horsepower : 140
- Color :
- Color code : NC
- Type identification code (CNIT) : MVW56M4WX899
Here are all the information you will need to choose your Washer fluid reservoir tank VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.1
Characteristics of your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Mileage (Km) : 281999
- GPA Tag number : V0-9266R
- OEM Number : 1T0955453E (A number starting with NC means we do not know the OEM Number and replaced it with our internal tag number)
- Estimated delivery time : 1 or 2 business days (Mainland France), delivered by national carrier
Tests, quality checks and warranty :
- By the specialized disassembler : Yes
- By the quality manager : Yes
- Duration of the warranty : 24 months
Characteristics of the VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.1 from which we collected your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Model : TOURAN 1 PH.1 TDI
- Body : Break
- Year : 14/04/2006
- Fuel : Gazole
- Engine type : BKD
- Gearbox type : HDU
- Cylinder : 1968
- Horsepower : 140
- Color :
- Color code : NC
- Type identification code (CNIT) : MVW56X4WA513
Here are all the information you will need to choose your Washer fluid reservoir tank VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.2
Characteristics of your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Mileage (Km) : 290290
- GPA Tag number : S0-2575B
- OEM Number : 1T0955453E (A number starting with NC means we do not know the OEM Number and replaced it with our internal tag number)
- Estimated delivery time : 1 or 2 business days (Mainland France), delivered by national carrier
Tests, quality checks and warranty :
- By the specialized disassembler : Yes
- By the quality manager : Yes
- Duration of the warranty : 24 months
Characteristics of the VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 1 PH.2 from which we collected your Washer fluid reservoir tank :
- Model : TOURAN 1 PH.2 TDI
- Body : 5 Portes
- Year : 05/12/2006
- Fuel : Gazole
- Engine type : BXE
- Gearbox type : JYK
- Cylinder : 1896
- Horsepower : 105
- Color :
- Color code : NC
- Type identification code (CNIT) : MVW53E6WZB03