We lead a Quality-Safety-Environment policy (and the ensuing goals) which constitutes the basis of our management system. It’s updated yearly during the management reviewto ensure the concordance with the evolution of the demands coming from our customers, companies and other sides concerned.
The management commits to applying our QSE (Quality Safety Environment) management system and makes every effort necessary to contribute actively to the sustainability of the company and its continuous improvement. We exist thanks to our customers and partners, they’re our mainspring. We have a strong focus on customer culture and we commit to generalize this idea to our staff.
We established a QSE (Quality Safety Environment) policy which is known by all and everyone committed to respect it. It is displayed and communicated to all new recruits who are thus aware of the importance of satisfying the requirements of our customers and partners, while respecting the environment too.
Our safety commitments
> Deliver the quality of work required by our customers, in respect of our partner’s expectations and needs.
> Permanently improve the quality of our products and services.
> Establish a control process leading to action plans to reduce risk for all branches of activity.
Our safety commitments
> Optimize our regulatory watch
> Prevent accidents and permanently reduce accident numbers for all our activities: by encouraging responsible behaviors from all our staff.
> Ensure that no priority can apply at the expense of Health and Safety.
Our environmental commitments
> Follow the agreements with our various providers.
> Include context and sides concerned, in a global view of the lifecycle of the services we provide.
> Reduce our consumption and water discharges.
> Control emergency situations.
> Maintain actual levels regarding wastes and energy management.
Our certifications
ISO 9001 (Quality) :
SO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
We are certified ISO9001 since December 2017
ISO14001 (environment) :
ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). It provides a framework that an organization can follow, rather than establishing environmental performance requirements.
We are certified ISO14001 since 2005 (2004 version) then February 2015 (2015 version)
QUALICERT (environment) :
Issued in 1995, the QUALICERT certification « RE/DEM Processing and recycling end-of-life vehicles and their componants » is a frame of reference certifying services, established upon demand of the CNPA (Conseil National des Professionnels de l’Automobile) and designed for automotive recyclers.
We are certified QUALICERT since 1997