Eco Repair Score

The Eco Repair Score® measures and communicates the environmental impact of repairing vehicles after an accident.

What is the Eco Repair Score used for?

It measures the environmental impact of each vehicle repair by providing a clear assessment. Each repair is associated with a unique score that reflects the environmental footprint, mainly in terms of CO2 emissions.

What is the Eco Repair Score?

The Eco Repair Score has a rating from A to E. Here's what it means:

A: Very low environmental impact. These are minor repairs such as smart repair or paintless dent removal. No parts are replaced, and virtually no paint is used.

B: Lower than average impact: parts are repaired rather than replaced. If parts have to be replaced, they are second-hand, which significantly reduces the environmental impact compared with new parts.

C: Repairs with Eco Repair Score® C have an average impact on the environment.

D: Above-average impact, as parts are mainly replaced by new ones, requiring manufacturing, transport and painting. Packaging and used parts must be recycled.

E: Highest environmental impact, large bodywork parts replaced by new ones, requiring intensive manufacturing, transport, painting and recycling of used parts and packaging.

What method is used to calculate the score?

The Eco Repair Score® is based on an analysis of the life cycle (LCA) of repairs. It includes 18 categories of environmental impact, such as the origin of the part, the vehicle model and the type of repair (replacement part or simple dent removal).

The score was developed in collaboration with the VITO research institute and is audited in accordance with ISO standards 14040 and 14044.

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